Thursday, September 17, 2009

Aloe Vera treatment.

I've always been a big aloe vera fan. Love drinking it and know it is an essential ingredient in few of my beauty products like lotion and bath gel. It wasn't till I started hanging out at Jeff's apartment and saw his roommate's aloe vera plant that I realized this elixir to great skin can be grown so close to one's comfort zone. I saw Vikki apply a piece of aloe vera on her face while I was cooking bitter gourd with shrimp in the kitchen and I thought that was an awesome homemade facial. Could save me tons of $$ on chemically induced skin care and facial treatment (which I get probably once a year when I go back home.)

So on Monday, after getting my DVD rentals from the library, I passed by a grocery store that we selling leaves of Aloe at $2.49/pd. I paid about $2.20 for this piece and tried it on last night. I thought it might taste good, like the drinks I usually indulge in, but NO!! Raw aloe vera is tasteless, and the sap is so...."blocking all your senses sensation" that I had to spit it out after 5 seconds. yuck!

But the texture rubbed on my face was absolutely FABULOUS!! It left my skin supple and soft. I got to go to a nursery this weekend and start cultivating my own pot.

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